How To Feel Better In One Minute

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel all over the place?

Like nothing seems to be going right? Like you just don’t feel confident, happy, or successful? You’re in a funk? 

I know I’ve felt this way, and many women I coach have felt this way too.

We could dive into the science and distinctions behind emotions and feelings (which is actually quite fascinating) but I’ll leave that for another day.

I want to help you feel better, fast -- without using sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or shopping.

One of my favorite ways to boost my mood is gratitude. It works without fail.

While every one of my coaching sessions is different, there is something that I do with everyone. I ask them to list 10 things they are grateful for.

For some, this is really hard. I get frustrated sighs, rolled eyes, and long dramatic pauses. 🙄This makes me smile because I know the practice is going to be even more rewarding. If there is one thing I know for sure, it's that gratitude has the power to make you feel better instantly. 

What are 10 things you are grateful for right now?

Nothing is too big or too small. I like to write mine on a piece of paper in a notebook using a pen or pencil, but you can also make a list in your phone, on a piece of paper, or even in your head! There is no right or wrong way to do it, just make sure you get to 10.

Need inspiration? Here’s mine -

1  |  My computer - this little laptop is an amazing tool for creating and connecting!
2 |  My health - my body is strong, my limbs work, my brain is sharp
3 |  My partner, Davin - he smiles a lot, gives great hugs, and we work well together
4 |  My friend, Cindy - I spent quality time with her this morning and love how we can talk about anything. She’s super supportive, funny, and a great sounding board
5 |  My work - I love being a coach and waking up to emails from clients making progress on their goals. They inspire me daily.
6 |  My coach - she inspires me to push myself just a little bit more than I would if we weren’t working together. 
7 |  My dog, Diego - the apple of my eye, that little guy. Every morning he wags his tail, looks at me with those adorable brown eyes, and gets excited to go outside and smell the day. He is one of my greatest teachers and a beloved companion.
8 |  Fresh food - I’m so grateful I can go to the market at get all the ingredients to make a healthy fresh salad that will give me energy, nutrients, and fuel my body
9 |  Amazon - I love being able to fire up my app or Amazon browser and get almost anything I need on demand
10 |  Myself! I’ve really been a lot kinder to myself lately. I’ve been listening to self talk, especially when it’s negative, and reframing how I’m talking to myself. I’ve made a lot of progress in the past month and feel grateful and proud of this step.

Now get to it! Make your gratitude list now. You’ll feel better, I promise. Either way, I'd love if you let me know in the comments! 

Gratefully yours,
